Dictionary provided by Waqab Yap (Word 200) - Simon Greenhill, Zach Sulog and Keira Ballantyne.
1 hand- rifrif
2 left- gilaey'
3 right- mat'aaw
4 leg/foot -rifrif, qaay
5 to walk- yaen
6 road/path -woq
7 to come- yib
8 to turn- piig
8 to turn- cheleeg
9 to swim- noeŋ
10 dirty- qaliit
11 dust -qaab
12 skin -yalach or yarooch
13 back- keeruq
14 belly- yi-n his
15 bone -yil
16 intestines t'aay
17 liver- qaed
18 breast- thuth
19 shoulder -puu-n or poe-n
20 to know, be knowledgeable- naaŋ
21 to think- leam
22 to fear- rus or magar
23 blood- rachaq from Palauan L
24 head- chug or lalug
25 neck- ŋuroeq
26 hair- piy
27 nose- p'eethŋuu-n
28 to breathe- pagoofaan
29 to sniff, smell -faraay
30 mouth -l'igi-n ,l'ugu-n or laŋaa-n
31 tooth- ŋuwol L
32 tongue -balwoth or yimnoon
33 to laugh- minmin
34 to cry -yoer
35 to vomit -suull'ugun
36 to spit- thuw[aeg]
37 to eat -qabiich or kaay
38 to chew- laŋad
39 to cook- liith
39 to cook- luum
40 to drink- qunum or quun
41 to bite- k'aad
42 to suck- fil [fil] or [pin]piniŋ
43 ear -teel his or lii-g my
44 to hear- ruŋqag
45 eye- qawochean
46 to see- guy
47 to yawn -ŋuluq
48 to sleep- mool
49 to lie down
50 to dream -[ma]lik'aey
51 to sit- paer
52 to stand- saak'iy
53 person/human being -giirdiiq
54 man/male -moqon
55 woman/female- [b]piin
56 child- btiir
57 husband- figir
58 wife- lëq
59 mother- chii-tin-ŋiin
60 father- chii-tam-ŋiin
61 house -naqun
62 thatch/roof -chig
63 name- ŋachol or ŋuchol
64 to say -yoeg
65 rope- gof or tael
66 to tie up, fasten- m'aag
67 to sew- yip'
68 needle- raasam
69 to hunt
70 to shoot -yiin'
71 to stab, pierce- rugöy
72 to hit -guul
73 to steal- [qir]qiriŋ or saath
74 to kill- liiq
75 to die, be dead- yiim'
76 to live, be alive- fas
77 to scratch- guruuy
78 to cut, hack- doedöy
79 stick/wood -leak'
80 to split -masëy
81 sharp- [m'uth] m'uuth
82 dull, blunt- boqogol or muqgug
83 to work- märweel
84 to plant- miyuuq or yuuŋ
85 to choose- meel'eeg
86 to grow- tuguul or tugiil
87 to swell -mathow
88 to squeeze- qudiy
89 to hold- koel
90 to dig- [ker]keer
91 to buy -chuwaey'
92 to open, uncover- biiŋ
93 to pound, beat- pardëq
94 to throw- muun or paag
95 to fall -muul
96 dog -kuus or pilis
97 bird- qarcheaq
98 egg- faak
99 feather- wul
100 wing
101 to fly- chaŋëg
102 rat- boroq
103 meat/flesh- qufin
104 fat/grease- maam or mam
105 tail -buuk' his tail
106 snake- parchooyog
107 worm (earthworm)- qäloelaey
108 louse thiil louse, egg, nit
109 mosquito -neeŋ
110 spider- goenöw
111 fish- niig
112 rotten- meal or buuy'
113 branch- paaq
114 leaf- yuuw its leaf
115 root -lik'
116 flower -mak'uuf
117 fruit- [wa]qamŋii-n
118 grass -paan
119 earth/soil -buut'
120 stone- malaaŋ
121 sand- yaan'
122 water- rawn (fresh water) or daay (salt water)
123 to flow- luul'
124 sea- madaay or riguur /riguur/ = open ocean
125 salt -sool
126 lake- lipäth or lupäth
127 woods/forest- lawaay
128 sky- laaŋ
129 moon -puul
130 star- t'uuf
131 cloud -maagooleŋ
132 fog
133 rain- n'uw
134 thunder- dirraq
135 lightning -quluch
136 wind -nifeeŋ
137 to blow- thoow
138 warm
139 cold -gärbeab
139 cold -qulum
140 dry -malik'
141 wet- gardaq or mäyguq or meyguq
142 heavy- toomaal
143 fire -nifiy
144 to burn -qörfeeg or qurfeeg
145 smoke- qaath
146 ash -qawaat
147 black- ruŋduq
148 white- weachweach
149 red- roowroow
150 yellow- maegchoel
151 green -giriin
152 small -qachiig
153 big -[gaq]gaaq
154 short -[ŋoch]ŋooch
155 long- n'uw
156 thin- guu|lfith
157 thick- dibqäg
158 narrow -wiqinqin or wuqinqin
159 wide- raad width
160 painful, sick -muqbich or m'aar
161 shy, ashamed- taamraq
162 old- labthir
163 new -biqech
164 good- feal' or maenigiil
165 bad, evil- kireeb
166 correct, true -piluw correct or riyuul' true
167 night- neap'
168 day- raraan
169 year- duw
170 when?- wiqin
170 when?- wuqin
171 to hide- miith
172 to climb- foor
173 at- u
174 in, inside- laan
175 above- dakean
176 below -taan (<taneq)
177 this- neey
178 that -niir hearer proximal
178 that- neam hearer distal
179 near- chuuchguur
180 far- maal'aaf
180 far- qureel
181 where? -quw
182 I -g|aeg
183 thou guur
184 he/she -qiir
185 we -gad|ow or gam|ow
186 you- gimeew
187 they -yow
188 what?- maaŋ ?
189 who?- miniiq
190 other- [thil]thiil
191 all -gubiin
192 and -ma VP conjunction
192 and -ngea NP conjunction
193 if- faqan or fäqän
194 how?- bidqiy
195 no, not -daangaay or daangaaq
196 to count -maathqëg
197 One- reeb or taqreeb
198 Two- l'agruw
199 Three- dalip
200 Four- qanŋeeg or anngeeg
201 Five- lal'
202 Six- nel'
203 Seven -medlip
204 Eight- merük
205 Nine -mereb
206 Ten- rag'ag
207 Twenty
208 Fifty
209 One Hundred -ra'ay